
I was Born in Poole, Dorset and lived in Bournemouth until moving to Swansea in 1987 to further my formal study of Technical Illustration. The narrowness of the discipline, and its built-in redundancy around the advent of affordable computer graphics systems virtually extinguished my interest in the field of illustration. In 1990 I took a job working as a draughtsman for an engineering survey company which allowed me to build up a small music studio.

Following the catastrophic finale to a couple of years of philosophical study, I sought refuge in a Buddhist commune, where I spent the next five years studying, meditating, and sending out occasional demo tapes. In 1999 in experienced a shocking breakthrough in my meditation practice and was compelled to leave the Buddhist Centre. In 2000 I had some music published in the US, secured an evening session on BBC Radio 1, and started experimenting with digital photography.

For many years I felt frustrated by my failure to convey the extraordinary and life-changing experiences of 1999, and it was only in 2005 that I felt ready to return to the visual field. While learning graphics programming I was struck down with a heavy bout of influenza which left me hallucinating for a week. In the fever, new connections were gradually established between time, space, colour, form, light and sound which eventually crystallized into the approaches I employ today.

Artist Statement

My work is a digital study of the arbitrariness of time using techniques which combine the disciplines of photography and video. My interest is not in the representation of simply how things look, but how they move when viewed from the fourth, and higher dimensions.

The primary aim of my visual work is to produce an output which will directly challenge the prescribed and largely unquestioned notions of linear time and space. This has been my goal since many years of religious study and meditation practice came to an abrupt end when I realised that time and space were the final barriers to intuition and would never be understood by any intellectual study or calculated meditation.